Thursday, October 27, 2016

X-Ray Free Cavity Detection

Patients receiving regular dental care will typically get x-rays once a year. These annual x-rays are an important diagnostic tool. They show cavities forming long before the naked eye can detect them, allowing dental professionals to treat them before the patient experiences pain or loses the tooth involved. We are excited to offer a revolutionary alternative to x-rays at our dental office - the CariVu. Read on to see what we love about it!

The Benefits of Cavity Detection

Tooth decay left untreated for too long can lead to difficulties eating, infection or tooth loss. Cavities can occur on the sides or biting surfaces of the teeth and can spread from tooth to tooth if left alone.

Current Tooth Decay Detection Methods

For years, dentists have relied upon visual inspections and x-rays to locate and diagnose cavities. While these methods are beneficial, they also have drawbacks. Cavities found during visual inspections are fairly advanced and may be more complicated to fill. X-rays can detect tooth decay earlier, but are unable to detect cavities on the biting surface of the tooth.

In addition, some patients need to avoid x-ray exposure. Although the newer digital x-ray machines put out very little radiation, pregnant women or patients coping with certain illnesses may need to completely avoid exposure - that's now possible with CariVu!

The Newest Method of Detecting Cavities

A new technology, which we're proud to offer our patients, makes it possible to detect cavities earlier and without exposure to radiation. The CariVu by DEXIS is a portable, powerful device that detects cavities using illumination. The CariVu works by hugging each tooth and bathing it in infrared light. This makes the tooth enamel appear transparent while areas of decay absorb the light and appear darker. In many cases, the CariVu can diagnose cavities before they are seen on x-ray images.

This illumination provides us with an exact picture of the tooth’s structure and the shape and structure of the cavity, allowing it to be filled with greater accuracy. When combined with x-rays and visual assessment, the CariVu images provide us with a complete picture of your oral health.

For patients needing to avoid radiation, the CariVu enables us to detect cavities and prevent them from becoming worse. Even if no cavities are detected we can use the images to recommend preventative care options.

How We Use CariVu

At our office in New York, the CariVu is an important tool for providing our patients with the best dental care possible. We're excited to offer it both as an alternative to x-rays for patients who need to avoid radiation and as an additional diagnostic tool for patients with areas we suspect may have tooth decay that isn’t appearing on the x-rays. We use it as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to ensure each of our patients has the best possible oral health. Give us a call for more information.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Is Warm Lemon Water Really Good for You?

A glass of warm lemon water in the morning has become all the rage lately. Some people drink it as part of a regimen to achieve a more alkaline diet along with green juice and huge salads. Although these seem like great ways to promote optimal health, they may be causing you harm in unexpected ways.

What is pH?

The measure of alkalinity versus acidity is referred to as pH. Fish tank keepers are likely quite familiar with the concept. The pH scale goes from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic or alkaline) with 7 being neutral. Human blood functions best at a pH of 7.36 to 7.44. Health advocates believe that incorporating lemon water and green juicing into daily diets helps blood and other human body systems sustain maximum operating efficiency. They typically advocate 80% foods that make the body more alkaline such as lemon water and 20% moderately acidic foods.

Acidic Foods Make the Body More Alkaline

Sounds weird right? An acidic food such as a lemon actually makes the body more basic or alkaline. Here’s how it works. A lemon is acidic before it’s ingested. After it’s been processed by the body it has an alkalizing effect. Too much acid-forming food can cause the human body to be out of balance, so the alkalizing effects of warm lemon water have become quite popular.

The Effects of Lemon Water on Your Teeth

Although warm lemon water, green juices and similar dietary choices may have a beneficial impact on your body, they’re also harmful to your teeth. Your teeth are formed with a hard coating called enamel. This coating protects your teeth from decay and sensitivity, but it can be eroded by over exposure to highly acidic foods, such as lemons. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finds lemons and limes to be the top two most acidic fruits.

In my dental practice, I’ve seen many patients with strong, healthy teeth alter their diet for increased systemic alkalinity suddenly develop tooth enamel issues. Fortunately, there are some ways to mitigate these effects.

Use a Straw

By drinking your lemon water or green juice through a straw, you’re able to experience the alkalinizing benefits while ensuring that the acidic nature of these beverages misses your teeth and protects the enamel.

Eat Cheese

If you’re not one for straws, eating cheese immediately after your lemon water or green juice raises the pH in your mouth and increases saliva production, which will protect your tooth enamel by neutralizing the acids.


Rinsing isn’t just something we ask you to do here at the dental office. You can minimize the effects of acidic fruits on your tooth enamel by rinsing your mouth immediately after consuming them and then waiting at least half an hour (30 minutes) before brushing your teeth. This gives you mouth and salivary glands time to return to their normal balance.

Brush First

If you’re time constraints are such that you have to run out the door and can’t wait 30 minutes to brush after drinking your warm lemon water or green juice, you can also brush beforehand. If you do this, you should still rinse after finishing your beverage to ensure your tooth enamel is protected.

Keep your teeth and your body healthy with these tips and don’t forget to see your dentist at least twice a year.